These 4 modules could be considered the foundation stone on which a person builds their life and certainly is an “overlay” to all courses done in Specialized Kinesiology where-ever their focus lies.
Developed by Dr Carl Ferreri, N.O.T aims to get the neurological pathways in a person to function optimally.
Attention is given to all neurological pathways in a person with added options which are especially valuable for:
- accident recall,
- scoliosis,
- allergies,
- dyslexia,
- cranial injuries,
- digestive difficulties,
- weight-bearing difficulties including extremities, to name but a few.
One of the most effective and talked about protocols in modern kinesiology!
It grounds all other Body/Mind modalities into the neurology and
resolves many conditions ‘trapped’ in the physical system!
Brilliant in its effectiveness!
For more information, please visit:
N.O.T 1
Pre-requisites: Principles of Recuperation is recommended, but not essential
Cost: R 5174.00 (includes manuals and teas)
Date: 05-08 September, 2025 (New Intake), Hout Bay. (Jenni Halkett)
TBC (New Intake ONLY), Atlasville. (Bianka Schulz Wasserman)
N.O.T 2 & 3
Pre-requisite: N.O.T 1
Cost: R 3 923.00
Date: 21-24 November 2025, Hout Bay. (New Intake) – Jenni Halkett
2025 TBC Atlasville. (New Intake ONLY) – Bianka Schulz Wasserman
N.O.T 4
Pre-requisite: N.O.T 1, 2 & 3
Date: Early 2025, Hout Bay. (New Intake) – Jenni Halkett
Early 2025, Atlasville. (New Intake ONLY) – Bianka Schulz Wasserman
Instructor: Jenni Halkett – Western Cape
Bianka Schulz Wasserman – Gauteng
Credits: 70 workshop hrs