Introducing the concept
Kinesiology is a verification tool – nothing more, nothing less. The word is derived from the original Greek words “kinein” meaning to move and “aisthesis” meaning perception.
Human beings are self-regulating and programmed to heal themselves. Sometimes, however, blockages or breakages occur in these adaptive, cybernetic loops and it is here that the use of Kinesiology as verification tool is invaluable. Through Kinesiology it is possible to establish the cause of the imbalance and how the person is maintaining it. By moving perception from a non-profitable one into a state of balance, well-being, ease and good quality of life become available again.
Using the intrinsic, scientific functioning of muscles and neurology, a Kinesiology facilitator works neither with “right” or “wrong”, nor with “good” or “bad”, but identifies adverse stressors and blockages within a person’s adapt-ability and employs various techniques to re-establish balance where previously imbalance, dis-ease and dis-comfort existed.
What is ASKSA?
The Association of Specialised Kinesiologists of South Africa (ASKSA) is the official body for accreditation of any Kinesiologist wishing to practise and study in Southern Africa. We are governed by a central Standards Generating Body.
For more information, please visit:
Specialised Kinesiology
Specialised Kinesiology (SK), is a term used to describe the collective activity of all the different types and models of Kinesiology that arise from the diverse applications of Kinesiology (muscle monitoring).
At Shift Happens we offer training in four different approaches in Specialised Kinesiology, in their original format. ASKSA’s requirement, to become “Specialised”, is that training be had in a minimum of two different branches of Specialised Kinesiology, and preferably three or more, hence our structure…| Read More |
N.O.T. stands for Neural Organisation Technique. These 4 modules could be considered the foundation stone on which a person builds their life and certainly is an “overlay” to all courses done in Specialised Kinesiology wherever their focus lies. Developed by Dr Carl Ferreri, N.O.T aims to get the neurological pathways in a person to function optimally. Attention is given to all neurological pathways in a person with added options which are especially valuable for: accident recall, scoliosis, allergies, dyslexia…| Read More |
A Space for Learning
Shift Happens does not offer a ‘school’ or a ‘college’, but rather a very relaxed space to learn several different modalities of Kinesiology (most of which are internationally recognised) under one roof. These modalities are completed at your own pace. There are no time limits or deadlines set.
The modalities that we offer are Touch for Health Synthesis (TFH), Neuro-Training (level 1-5 plus advanced workshops), Emotional Kinesiology (and other workshops from the Kinesiology Centre in KZN), Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T) and Anatomy and Physiology…| Read More |